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[page_break]concentric winding 同心绕组
concrete pole 水泥电杆
concrete shield 混凝土屏蔽
concurrent operations 并行操作
concurrent processing 并行处理
concurrent working 并行处理
condenser 冷凝器;电容器
condenser discharge 电容婆电
condenser motor 电容电动机
condenser oil 电容仆
condenser paper 电容平
condenser type bushing 电容式套管
condenser type detector 电容形检出器
condensing turbine 冷凝式汽轮机
condensive load 电容负载
condensive reactance 电容性电抗
condition name 条件名称
conditional branch 条件转移
conditional branch instruction 条件转移命令
conditional code 条件符号
conditional expression 条件表达式
conditional jump 条件转移
conditional stability 条件稳定
conditional transfer 条件转移
conditioning 第
conditions of resonance 共振条件
conditions of similarity 类似条件
conductance 电导
conductance bridge 电导电桥
conductance relay 导纳继电器
conducting direction 导电方向
conducting layer 导电层
conducting liquid 导电液体
conducting material 导电材料
conducting state 导电状态
conduction 传导
conduction current 传导电流
conduction electrons 传导电子
conduction loss 导电损耗
conductive ceramics 导电陶瓷
conductive coating paint 导电涂料
conductive coupling 电导耦合
conductive glass 导电玻璃
conductive resin 导电尸
conductive rubber 导电橡皮
conductivity measuring bridge 电导率测定用电桥
conductograph 电导记录仪
conductometry 电导测量法
conductor 导体
conductor arrangement 配线
conductor bundle 导线束
conductor dancing 电线跳动
conductor element 导体元件
conductor galloping 电线跳动
conductor rail 导电轨
conductor spacing 导线间距离
conductor terminal 导线端子
conductor vibration 电线振动
conduit 导管
conduit coupler 管道接头
conduit coupling 管道接头
conduit elbow 弯管
conduit line 电缆沟道
conduit system 槽渠制
conduit type power plant 运河型水电站
cone 圆锥
confidence belt 置信区域
confidence coefficient 置信系数
confidence interval 置信区间
confidence level 置信水平
confidence limit 置信界限
configuration 配线
configuration control 配置控制
configuration section 构形段
conformal mapping 保角映射
conformal representation 保角映射
conformity 一致性
congruent distribution function 全等分布函数
conical pendulum governer 离心节速器
conjugate branches 共轭支路
conjugate conductors 共轭支路
conjugate image 共轭象
conjugate impedance 共轭阻抗
conjugating frequency 共扼频率
conjunction 逻辑乘积
conjunctive search 逻辑乘检索按与检索
connect 连接
connected load 连接负载
connecting bus bar 接续汇刘
connecting cable 连接电缆
connecting cord 连接塞绳
connecting device 连接设备
connecting relay 连接继电器
connecting terminal 接线端子
connection 连接
connection block 接线条
connection box 电缆接线箱
connection diagram 连接图
connection in opposite 对交连接
connection layout 布线
connection point 接点
connections of circuits 电路的连接
connector 连接器
consecutive sequence computer 连续顺序计算机
conservation 保存
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of mass 质量守恒
conservation system 守恒系
conservative value 守恒值
conservator 油枕
conservator tank 油枕
consistency 一致性
console 操纵台
console typewriter 键盘打字机
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出处:本站原创 作者:佚名
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